PingSunday EmRatThich
Official channel of PingSunday (best platform to learn table tennis online). Founded by coach EmRatThich. ~~~~~~~ ABOUT US ~~~~~~~ Table Tennis coach, Vietnamese, live in France. I coach young developing players ? since 2012. Using Chinese training, we teach you the best ways to improve quickly in table tennis. ~~~~~~~ QUESTION ~~~~~~~ Ask us any question on our homepage: Send us your playing video for best instructions. ~~~~~~~ SCHEDULE ~~~~~~~ Every Sunday, we upload a table tennis lessons video on YouTube (That's why we have Ping Sunday - Ping Pong Lesson Every Sunday). ~~~~~~~ CONTACT ~~~~~~~ + email: emratthich [at] + official homepage: + contact on Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) at @coachpingsunday + The commentary / editing style is unique and for educational purposes. We have permission from the original footage and images used in the videos.