Federer Spotted at Dubai Players Party Sporting New Hairstyle and Doing Diaper Duty….

I found some pictures at Mens Tennis Forum for you where Roger made a quick appearance at the players party, and he had a haircut as well. It’s quite short, which makes him look younger. Seems like the birds were also flocking to the man :-) I’m not so sure about those big nosed portraits, but it looks pretty funny ? At the bottom you will see a pic of Roger on diaper duty :D

// Ps. Roger updated his Facebook profile http://www.facebook.com/Federer?ref=ts

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aarrghhh cute thanks for the pix!


Cool, gosh the wait painfulllll!!!!!!!!!


I like Roger´s hair short.Nice to see him in the party Infection is not contagious? What a terrifying portrait.Funny to see Roger´s face, he´s polite, but thinking”it´s awful”.


Wow! So sweet! Thank u so much for the pics. Roger looks so handsome in this new hair-do….


tanx, man. that’s cute… See? there is loads of stuff to post about, even if he isn’t playing haha…


Ru-an Reply: February 25th, 2010 at 4:57 pm Lol yeah we’ll see ;-)


Ru-an Reply: February 26th, 2010 at 1:12 am Btw Tristan i see you havnt signed up for the newsletter which you requested. Can you see it in the right side bar?
