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Tennis Rules


Tennis is a popular sport played by millions of people around the world. Here are some fundamental rules of tennis:

  1. Scoring: Tennis matches are typically played as the best of three or five sets. To win a set, a player must win at least six games and have a two-game lead over their opponent. If the set is tied at 6-6, a tiebreaker game is played to determine the winner. In a tiebreaker, players alternate serving and play points until one player reaches seven points with a two-point lead.
  2. Game: A game is won by the first player to win four points and have a two-point lead over their opponent. The points are counted as follows:
    • 0 points: "Love"
    • 1 point: "15"
    • 2 points: "30"
    • 3 points: "40"
    • 4 points: "Game"
  3. Serve: The player who serves first is determined by a coin toss or another method. Players take turns serving throughout the match, with the server alternating sides of the court after each point. The serve must be made diagonally across the court, starting from behind the baseline and landing in the opponent's service box on the opposite side of the net. If the serve touches the net but lands in the correct service box, it is called a "let" and is replayed without penalty.
  4. Faults and Double Faults: A fault occurs when a player fails to make a legal serve. This includes serving the ball into the net or out of bounds, or stepping on or over the baseline while serving. If a player commits two consecutive faults, it is called a double fault, and the opponent wins the point.
  5. Rally: After the serve, players alternate hitting the ball over the net until one player fails to return it within the boundaries of the court or hits it into the net or out of bounds. The ball must bounce once on each side of the net before a player can hit it volley style.
  6. Scoring during a Rally: When a rally is in progress, points are awarded as follows:
    • If the server wins the point, they score 15.
    • If the receiver wins the point, they score 15.
    • If the server wins the next point, they score 30, and so on.
  7. Let: If the ball touches the net during a rally but lands in the correct service box, it is called a "let" and is replayed without penalty.
  8. Court Dimensions: Tennis can be played on various surfaces, but the dimensions of the court remain the same. The court is divided into two halves by a net, and each half is further divided into service courts and a backcourt. The dimensions of the court can vary slightly for singles and doubles matches.

These are some basic rules of tennis to get you started. As you become more familiar with the game, you can explore more advanced rules and strategies to enhance your gameplay. 

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