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PHOTOS/VIDEO: Rafael Nadal and Team Europe at the press conference at Laver Cup 2019
THE MODERATOR: Ladies and gentlemen, he just won the US Open a few weeks ago, 19-time Grand Slam winner. This is Rafael Nadal. (Applause.)
THE MODERATOR: Rafael, welcome to Geneva. Everyone is super excited about the week. I hope you too?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, of course. Always a pleasure to be here in Geneva and playing the Laver Cup. Have been a great experience two years ago in Prague. And playing here in Europe, in Geneva again, will be amazing.
Have a great team around. Very tough team in front. So let's see.
THE MODERATOR: You were here a few days. Did you have time to get to know each other a little bit, to hang around in the bar a bit in the evening? What did you do besides training?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, of course we tried to speak with the team, to be together, to create a good team spirit. At the end of the day it's important to have good confidence between each other, so that's what we are trying to make that happen.
THE MODERATOR: Thank you very much, Rafa Nadal.
Very nice that Rafa, he took a friend with him. Next, ladies and gentlemen, this is a person who said we are going to have the best week ever in Switzerland, in Geneva. We all do it for these teams.
Please welcome Roger Federer. (Applause.)
THE MODERATOR: Roger, you said Team World is a little bit crazy and loud. You're loud too? Crazy too? A little bit more Team World?
ROGER FEDERER: They're crazy good. I like their craziness. It's all good. I think they're good guys. They have been great the last two Laver Cups. We had a great rivalry.
Laver Cup is not very old, but I feel like it's already all happening. I'm happy to see all the guys here in Switzerland, in my home country. I love being back in Geneva.
We have such a strong team again this year. I'm very, very happy and excited about the weekend.
THE MODERATOR: For you, it will be the best week hopefully in Switzerland, because third time Laver Cup, first time in Switzerland, it's more of a dream for you coming through?
ROGER FEDERER: Absolutely. It's definitely going to be one of those weeks I will forever remember. I have played in some incredible matches, arenas, places, but I think this is going to be going down for me as a very emotional, cool weekend.
I hope the match is going to be there for that and I hope the fans are going to have the best time. I know we will give it all we have. It's incredibly exciting to be here right now.
THE MODERATOR: A great week. Thank you very much, Roger Federer.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Photos: Getty Images; EPA; Christopher Levy
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